Tips and Tricks Wireless Internet Security

Currently, many people began to install a wireless computer network in their house (wireless home network) which can be used by them to connect to the internet. For example the xxxxx, one of the employees of IT companies have subscribed to Internet access via ADSL Telkom Speedy.

Agung buy ADSL modem is also equipped with wireless or Wi-Fi. He purchased a model because he has two computers in the house, a laptop and desktop PC. Everything has been equipped with Wi-Fi card and he wanted everything connected to the internet access point through which he created himself. In addition, Court also has a PDA, which he sometimes need to access the Internet from the PDA when he was at his house. Tepatlah if he built his house on the access point itself.

But problems always appear. It is what a wireless network or access point that he made? Do not-do not have a house next to the hackers tout your data or even participate also enjoy free access to the internet. For any posts that through this time will be served a few tips related to the wireless network in your home.

Change the default administrator password (if you need to replace the usernamenya)
Heart of the Wi-Fi network in your home is the access point or router. To do set up the equipment from the access point, the vendor's access point device will provide a web-based interface, where to go to in this interface you will need to fill in the username and password. Meanwhile, in some cases, the equipment in the access point is set by a vendor with a specific username and password that is easy to guess by the user. For that you need to change the default password from your access point. Even if you also need to change the username.

Enable Encryption
All Wi-Fi equipment supports some form of certainty of data security. The idea will make the encryption of data sent on the wireless network so that it can not be easily read by other parties. Wi-Fi equipment at this time have the option to provide security technology that you can use as needed. Make sure all the equipment in your wireless network is also using the security settings the same as used on the access point.

Change the default SSID
Access point or router using a network name called the SSID. Vendors usually give the name of the product they access point with a default SSID. For example, the SSID is usually released by Linksys is "linksys." The reality is if someone knows a SSID then it can not break the network, but at least this is a beginning for him. In the eyes of a hacker, if a view is still the default SSID, then it is an indication that the access point is not configured properly and have the possibility to dibobol. Change the default SSID immediately after you set up your access point.

Enable MAC Address filtering
Each Wi-Fi equipment surely has a unique identification, called a "physical address" or MAC address. Access point or router will record the MAC address of each peranti connected to him. You can set that only peranti with specific MAC address is allowed access to your wireless network. For example, your PDA has a MAC address, and you enter the MAC address to your PDA in the MAC address filter on your access point. So that you can connect to the network while this is just from your PDA. But you also remain cautious, because the hacker could create a MAC address filtering cajolery to outsmart this.

Turn off the SSID broadcast of
In Wi-Fi network, the access point or router typically akan membroadcast SSID regularly. This feature is deliberately designed for hotspot areas where Wi-Fi clients in the area can come and go quickly. In conditions in which your home SSID is surely already know your own, then this feature is not necessary because it can invite the neighbors to know the SSID or you also prevent other people join the network with the internet for free. You can disable SSID broadcast facilities for the security of this network.

Give a static IP address to peranti Wi-Fi
Currently, people tend to take advantage of DHCP to provide IP addresses automatically to clients who want to connect to the wireless network. This is a quick and easy for your network, but remember that this is also an easy way for hackers to get a valid IP address on your wireless network. You can turn off DHCP feature on the Access point and set a range of IP addresses that have been set and also fix peranti Wi-Fi that you want to connect to the access point with a range of IP addresses that fix earlier.

Think about the location of access point or router is secure
Wi-Fi signals normally can reach out to your home. Signal that is leaking out of the house until the very high risk for the occurrence of eksplotasi to your wireless network. You have to put the equipment on your access point is the area around the living room of your home. Never put the router or access point near a window, because it will increase the range of Wi-Fi signal outside your home.
Turn off the wireless network only if it is not used
Rules the most effective security is to turn off the equipment or network access point when not in use. For instance, never leave home with a Wi-Fi is on, although it needs to download data. Access point on a monitor without a very high risk of exploitation.



Hacker appear in the early 1960s among the members of the student organization's Tech Model Railroad Club in artificial Intelligence Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The student group is one of the pioneering development of computer technology and they operate with a number of Mainframe computers. The word hacker was first shown with a positive meaning to mention a member who has expertise in the field of computers and able to create a computer program that is better than that has been designed together. Then in 1983, growing hacker analogy to mention someone who has to understand the obsession and the computer system. Section, in the year for the first time the FBI catch the computer criminals 414s based in Milwaukee USA. 414 is the code of their local area. Group, which was then called a hacker is declared guilty over piercing 60 computer, the computer's property Cancer Center Memorial Sloan-Kettering to a computer owned by Los Alamos National Laboratory. One of the perpetrators are getting TESTIMONIALS immunity because, while the other 5 to get the punishment trial.

Then on the next development of the other groups that appear breathe themselves hackers, but is not. They (especially adult men) who get satisfaction through the computer and break outmanoeuvre phone (phreaking). Hacker sejati call these people 'cracker' and do not like to interact with them. Hacker cracker sejati looked as lazy people, not
responsible, and not too smart. Hacker sejati not agree if it is said that someone with a security breach has been a hacker.

The hackers meet once each year that is held every mid-July in Las Vegas. Ajang meeting hacker in the world is called Def Con. Def Con event to event is more exchange of information and technology related to hacking activities.

The Hacker and cracker


Hacker is a for those who provide a useful contribution to the network computer, and create a small program nito with people on the Internet. For example: digigumi (Digital Group) is a group that specializes in moving and the computer game field. Digigumi this technique using the technique to change the hexadecimal text that is in the game. For example, the game Chrono Trigger English language could be changed to English. Therefore, the status Digigumi is a hacker, but not as a destroyer. Hacker here means, explore, learn and change things for the hobby and with the development of legality has been determined by the game developer. The hackers usually do infiltration-infiltration with a satisfactory knowledge and techniques. Average - the average company in the world that the global network (the Internet) also has a hacker. Duty to protect the network from possible destruction outsiders "cracker", the network of holes that it is likely to be opportunities for cracker mengobrak - destroy their network, for example: insurance companies and auditing "Price Waterhouse". He has a team of hackers called the Tiger Team. They work for the client to test their security systems.


Is a cracker for those who enter the system to other people and more cracker destruktif, usually in a computer network, mem-bypass password or license a computer program, deliberately against computer security, men-deface (the home page of the web) the property of another person even to delete the data men-men, steal data and generally do their own advantage to cracking, malice, or because the other because there are challenges. Some of the piercing is done to show the security weakness of the system.

Hierarchy / Tier Hacker

1. Elite

Characteristics: the operating system in the outside, able to connect & configure the network globally, pemrogramman do every day, effisien & adept, with the appropriate knowledge to use, does not destroy data, and always follow the rules. Elite level is often referred to as the 'temperature'.

2. Semi Elite

Characteristics: younger of the elite, have the ability & knowledge knowledgeable about computers, understanding of the operating system (including lubangnya), the ability to change the program enough eksploit program.

3. Developed Kiddie

Characteristics: young age (ABG) & the school, they read about a method of hacking & how the various opportunities, try different systems to ultimately succeed & proclaiming victory to another, generally still use Graphic User Interface (GUI) & learning new basic UNIX's are able to find holes without new weakness in the system operation.

4. Script Kiddie

Characteristics: as developed and kiddie also like Lamers, they only have the technical knowledge of networking is very minimal, not separated from the GUI, hacking is done using a trojan to frighten incommode & live in part of Internet users.

5. Picassoseven

Characteristics: does not have experience & knowledge but wish to become a hacker picassoseven so often referred to as a 'wanna-be' hackers, use their computers mainly to play the game, IRC, prirate exchange switch software, credit card theft, hacking to do with the software trojan , nuke & DoS, like proud through the IRC channel, and so forth. Because many kekurangannya to reach the elite, in their development will only be until the level of developed or kiddie script kiddie course.

Cracker does not have any hierarchy are special because only dismantle and destroy.

Hacker Ethics

1. Able to access the computer and infinite totality.

2. All information should be FREE.

3. Does not believe in the authority, means expanding the decentralization.

4. Do not use a false identity, as incompetent a fictitious name, age, position, etc..

5. Able to create beautiful art in the computer.

6. Computers can change the life to be better.

7. Work that is done purely for the sake of information that must be assigned luaskan.

8. To uphold the commitment does not defend the economic dominance industry specific software.

9. Hacking is a major weapon in the war against the encroachment computer technology.

10. Both Hacking and Phreaking is the only way to disseminate information to the masses so that no stutter in the computer.
Cracker does not have any code of ethics.

Main Rules Hacker

A general rule that need to be in the main follow a hacker as described by the Scorpio, which are:

Above all, respect the freedom of information & knowledge.

Will notify the system administrator of a security breach / hole in security that you see.

Do not take advantage of the hack is not fair.

Does not collect & distribute pirated software.

Never take a foolish risk - always know your own ability.

Always willing to be open / free / free to inform & teach a variety of information & method obtained.

Never to hack a system to steal money.

Never give access to someone who will make mischief.

Never deliberately damage & remove the file on the computer that dihack.

Engine in respect of hack, and treat him like their own machine.

Hackers will always be sincere act on the code of ethics and rules are in play cracker does not have any rules or code of ethics as main damage is cracker.

Differences Hacker and cracker

a. Hacker

1. Mempunyai ability to analyze the weaknesses of a system or site. For example: if a hacker trying to test the Yahoo! ascertain the content of the site will not fall apart and disrupt the others. Usually hackers to report this incident to be perfectly restored.

2. Hacker have ethical and creative in designing a program that is useful for everyone.

3. A Hacker is not stingy to share knowledge to people with serious in the name of science and virtue.

b. Cracker

1. Able to create a program for the interests of himself and destruktif or damage and make a profit. Sebagia example: Virus, Credit Card Theft, Code warez, piercing Bank Account, Password Theft E-mail/Web Server.

2. Can stand on its own or in groups to act.

3. Cenel have a site or in the IRC that is hidden, only certain people can access them.

4. Have IP that can not be tracked.

5. Cases that most often is the carding Credit Card Theft, and then change the piercing site and all its contents become disorganized. For example: Yahoo! had experienced events such as this, so can not be accessed in a long time, the case of the most warm discussed years ago in 2001.

Two Types of Activities Hacking

1. Social Hacking, who need to know: what information about the system used by the server, the server who the owners, who manage the Admin Server, which is the type of connection is what then the server is connected the internet connection to handle ago any information provided by the server , whether the server is also connected to the LAN in an organization and other information

2. Technical Hacking, is a technical action to make penetration into the system, either with the tool (tool) or with the practice facility system itself that is used to attack the weakness (security hole) that is in the system or service. The core of this activity is to get full access into the system in any way and any how.

Example Hacker Case

1. In the year 1983, the first time the FBI catch the computer criminals The 414s (414 is their local area code) based in the U.S. Milwaukee. Group, which was then called a hacker is doing 60 piercing fruit machine, from a computer owned by Cancer Center Memorial Sloan-Kettering to a computer owned by Los Alamos National Laboratory. One of the perpetrators are getting TESTIMONIALS immunity because, while the other 5 to get the punishment trial.

2. Digigumi (Digital Group) is a group that specializes in the field of mobile gaming and computer techniques by using techniques to change the hexadecimal text that is in the game. For example: game Chrono Trigger English language could be changed to English. Therefore, the status Digigumi is a hacker, but not as a destroyer.

3. On Saturday, April 17, 2004, Dani Firmansyah, information technology consulting (IT) Jakarta PT Danareksa successful break in the site owned by General Elections Commission (KPU) in and change the names of the parties in in a name "unique", such as shorts Ijo Party, Party leader Jambon, Cashew Party, and others. Dani using SQL Injection techniques (the technique is basically the way a string or a command in the browser address bar) to penetrate the site KPU. Then Dani caught on Thursday, 22 April 2004.

Due to the Ditimbulakan by Hacker and cracker

Hacker: internet technology to create more advanced because hackers using the expertise in the computer to view, find and improve the system security weaknesses in a system in a computer or software, create a spark of an administrator to work again because life hacker help administrators to strengthen their network.

Cracker: damage and paralyze the entire computer system, so the data user-data network is broken, missing, or changed.


The hackers use the expertise in the computer to view, find and improve the system security weaknesses in a computer system or in a software. Therefore, thanks to the hackers, and there is the Internet we can now enjoy, such as this, even continue to refine the system to become better again. Hacker can then referred to as the heroes are in the network can be called a cracker as criminals because of the network to infiltration with the intent to benefit himself in personallity with a disadvantage of others. Hacker hackers often called white (which is a hacker that is built) and the black hacker (cracker that is dismantle and destroy).


Jakarta, virus, spyware, trojan horses or other malicious programs like that is a serious threat that needs to diwaspadai time berjelajah on the Internet, Windows is often the main target of the hacker as evil.

Zotob such a course, a 'successful' disrupt hundreds of thousands of Windows computers and the computer-living dead. There are also Rontokbro alias Brontok the peredarannya already on the stage 'preposterous' and dominate the computer virus attacks in Indonesia.

Use antivirus just not enough to make your computer secure and 'clean' from the evil attack of the program. There are many ways you can do to keep your PC (computer) Windows you are safe from these threats.

Here are some tips that dilansir easycomputer and cited detikINET, Wednesday (11/10/2006), to help protect your Windows PC from virus attacks, spyware and other malicious programs:

1. Meng-routine Windows update
Always update your Windows operating system, Microsoft Windows Update for example. Microsoft issued a routine usually free download to help settle security problems in Windows and Internet Explorer.

Microsoft Windows Update also provides a way to check whether the Windows operating system you need the update. This includes improvements to the security program, and update the hardware and software. Esensinya, Windows will still be up-to-date to prevent malicious programs take advantage of Windows security rift that could damage your computer.

2. Use Firewall
Connected to the Internet means that your computer is' open 'to the outside world. This allows you to view a site, send e-mail and download files. On the other hand, this also allows your computer ringkih attacks against the hackers or malicious programs.

Install your computer with a firewall to protect computer programs and prevent access to the Internet without your seijin. Security firewall program will make your computer visible 'invisible' on the computer unless you open the connection.

With a firewall, if a program on your computer trying to connect to the Internet, the firewall will automatically warn you and give you the option whether to receive or refuse access.

3. Checks and Virus Scan Computers
Computer virus is a malicious program that is designed to break even as possible and computer data. The virus is usually spread to the way menginfeksi file or automatically send e-mail to all the partners in your address book.

To remember, be careful when opening e-mail attachment because many viruses unleash attacks by sending a file attachment via e-mail. Code virus can also be evil menginfeksi files, data and even damage the cause you to lose important data.

Diligent rajinlah-men-scan your computer with the latest antivirus updates, to avoid if there is a virus that has not been detected.

4. Eliminate Spyware
Or spyware that is also known as adware, is a kind of hidden programs that send information about the work the infected computer through Internet communication to the creator of the spyware.

Usually, spyware is installed automatically on the computer automatically result we download software from a particular site.

Remove spyware is an important step that needs to be done in the process of cleaning files' unwanted 'from your computer. There are many programs that can be used to remove the file. Ad-aware and Spybot Search and Destroy are two examples of programs that you can use. (dwn)

1. Clear the Startup folder. KlikStart, All Programs, Startup. Click and drag the program that is not always necessary to start when, for example, a desktop. So what you need a program you can click on that page from the desktop.

2.Nonaktifkan program start-up. To disable the program when you do not need is a startup click Start, Run, then type msconfig and click OK. View a list of existing programs and un-check the programs that you do not need. If you are not sure whether the program page useful or not in the list and see the / startuplist.php

3. Select the font as needed. Many programs do mengistal font in your computer, you certainly increase the time required for the Windows start-up. To remove fonts do not need, go to Control Panel, change the view to Classic View and double-click Fonts. Then double click for viewing, if not necessary aja moved to another folder you can later return what you want it back. Or can also use the program FontExpert 2007, from, right-click on the font and select deactivate for not activating it.

4. Dispose of old drivers that are not used again. If you remove the hardware of the system then you haru also remove the software drivers that are associated. Use the Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel to remove the software and driver related that you no longer need.

5. Aja stop service that is not required. Service is a program that runs in the background on your computer system. Not all the service required, and can be disabled. Click Start, Run and type services.msc and click OK for all to see that service is running. Select the service and description will appear on the left is its function. Double click the service and set 'service type' to do so. However, caution is you can only do this if you do not believe this is potential to make your windows in a lho ... Sample service do not need is the Uninterruptible Power Supply, Messenger, Alerter, Clipbook, Remote Registry, Network DDE and the Machine Debug Manager. Info service related dg service obtainable in and / dis_un_srv.

6. Disable 'file and printer sharing. If there is no network in your home, it does not need to share files and printers, so you can turn off this option to make kenceng during start-up your computer. I do easy. Go to the Control Panel, double-click Network Connections. Right-click each icon and select Properties. Aja Uncheck "File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks."

7. Defrag your hard disk regularly. The files used to run Windows will be after so long in your hard disk, which can make the process lelet start-up. Defragmentasi can sort out the files in order to more quickly accessible. How, click Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, Disk Defragmeter. Or use the TuneUp Utilities 2007 from TuneUp Software GmbH, defragmentasi for the better. Tuneup With this, you can also mendefragmentasi clean your computer registry so that the wes .. e wes.

8. Booting sequence set up. The computer can start reading the system's hard disk or floppy disks, CD or DVD-ROM, Flash or USB external hard disk. Make sure the hard disk is the first time to access Windows. Use the BIOS Setup Utility in your computer. Booting sequence look-up, make sure the hard disk in order first. No one consultation with the site Tom's Hardware for more information.

9. Clear CD / DVD drive. When podići start-up, the computer will check the CD / DVD drive is there a disk in it, you may hear the sound of rotary drive. Take a disk in the CD / DVD drive before turning off the computer and when you turn back time machine does not need to fuss waste of time to check the content of a CD / DVD drive.

10. Clean Prefetch folder. Windows program that saves the coffee Searched accessible folder in Windows / Prefetch expedite the process so that a search on your hard disk. However, some experts said that the PC is better to clean Prefetch folder regularly to maintain the minimum program loading gunaka your computer when you return. Although there are also not agree. Try aja deh, safe and I feel the difference.

Tips Tricks to Improve Optimize Speed Internet

One way to increase internet access is set / or optimize the configuration settings in the Windows Operating System such as. Although they can vary because of internet access is also influenced by many factors, such as software, hardware, busy traffic on the network and use the other.

For Windos Operating System, we can adjust some settings in the registry or use some of the optimization software is available. Here are some that can be done to improve / optimize Internet access.

1. TCP Optimizer

This free program provides facilities for mengoptimalisasi Internet connection that we use. Before making changes to the software, the first backup to its registry, through the File menu> Current backup settings, so that if later there is a problem, we can restore the settings to the beginning, although there is also the Windows Restore Default Settings, to restore the windows default settings .

How easy it is in the part / General Settings tab and the Advanced Settings option is Optimal Settings (below) that can be activated. This program also provides advanced features for those who want to / can engedit windows registry with Internet connection. But to take advantage of this feature, it is necessary to read a lot of documentation, forums and website in the explanation.

Download TCP Optimizer (596 KB) more information on

2. TCP-Z

SSome of Windows, its default (default) only allow 10 connections per second, so that this can cause the connection to be slow, especially if we use a lot of applications that connect to the Internet via P2P download, etc.. The settings are stored in the file system tcpip.sys.

With this software we can change the number of connections with this easy. Settings can be done only in computer memory, so it does not need to restart the computer and immediately visible results. dan tidak akan merusak atau mengubah file windows.

This software also provides features to make the patch (to replace or change the file tcpip.sys), and install the driver so that this setting can be permanent (not depending on the need to run this program).

How do I use?

Once downloaded, open the zip file and run file TCPZ.exe (TCPZ64.exe or if the windows are windows that are used 64-bit). There are several tabs there, such as the following

* Tab TCP that provides information and graphics file tcpip.sys many connections and speed of download / upload.
* Patch tab, see the Patch Memory shows that Old and New Value value. We can set the New Value with friction slidebar disampingnya and click Apply. To see the results, use for browsing, downloading or other TCP tab and see before.

TCP-Z also allows the file to its direct or install TCP-Z Virtual Device Driver. Complete documentation can be read

Download and more information on (543 KB)

3. Auto Update feature death

In the windows operating system, the default settings (the default) is set so that the windows always undertake update when connected to the internet, and if there will be updates to download directly without confirmation. So that we know without the Internet bandwidth is often used while we do not realize it.

We can turn off this feature and if you want to do in the process can update manually or re-activate in the future. Turning off the auto update feature:

1. Right-click My Computer> Properties (or select Start menu> Run and type sysdm.cpl and press ENTER)
2. Select the Automatic Updates tab
3. Select Turn off Automatic Updates

4. Scan your computer from spyware & Malware

If your computer is infected with malware (trojan, worm, virus) and spyware, it can cause connection or slow internet access, not only the performance of the computer. Can scan for spyware using Spybot Search and Destroy, Spyware Terminator and other.

5. Other software

There are other software that includes tools to optimize the facilities or access the Internet or network settings, and we do not need to directly open or edit the registry. For example, Advanced SystemCare (with Firefox Optimizernya TCP), TuneUp Utilities (with TuneUp System Optimizer-it) and other.

Tips System Restore Computer

One area I’ve always felt was lacking in past Windows versions was the ability to undo changes that were made to the operating system. If you make a lot of changes, as I do, eventually your system will head south with little hope of recovery other than a full reformat and reinstall. I’m told that Windows Me had the capability to roll itself back to previous configurations. Since my total working time with Windows Me was about ten minutes (long enough to initiate a reformat) I’ll proceed under the guise that system restore is a fine innovation for XP.

This is the opening screen for System Restore, accessible by clicking [Start] [All Programs] [Accessories] [System Tools] [System Restore]. Choose from the bulleted options on the right whether you want to restore your computer to an earlier time or create a new restore point for future use.

If you have chosen to restore to a previously established restore point the screen above will open. The calendar on the left will have dates in bold. Selecting a day will show the restore points available for that date in the breakout to the right of the calendar. Select the restore point you want and click [Next].

Last chance (not really) before you start the restore process. I say not really because one of the excellent features of System Restore is the ability to undo any restore performed. The [Help and Support] option available from the [Start] menu is an excellent source of more information on the different types of restore points available. Search under “System Restore”.

When you choose to establish a new restore point rather than go back to a previous restore point the screen above will open. Simply type in a name for the restore point in the data entry box. Be descriptive in your naming to make it easier when you come back to do a restore. Click [Create] and the process will begin.

The opening screen for System Restore contains a link called [System Restore Settings]. Clicking it will open the System Properties page which is accessible from many different locations and via many methods. The property page allows you to disable System Restore on any or all drives with the one caveat that it must be enabled on C:\ if any of the other drives are enabled. Click [Settings] to open the page shown below.

The Settings Property Sheet allows you to select the percentage of the drive space allocated to restore points. The default setting is 12% of total drive size, but this can be increased or decreased depending on the number of restore points you want to have available.


In a previous post, I wrote how you can backup your computer data to various media such as CDs, DVDs, external hard drives or online storage, but all of these methods require a good amount of effort on the part of the user having to go through many different folders and copying that to the backup media. And if this is done on a regular basis, you can end up spending hours just backing up your data!Luckily Windows has a built-in application that you can use to automatically schedule backups of your computer and it only requires you to choose the folders you want backed up ONE TIME. This makes backing up your data a lot less tedious and will make it much more likely to actually be done!

So here are the steps to use Windows Backup Utility.

1. Click on Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then Backup.

2. You will be prompted to go through the backup and restore wizard. This is useful for beginners, so we’ll go ahead and stick with it instead of going to advanced mode. Go ahead and click Next.

On the next screen, choose Backup files and settings and click Next

The next screen asks you what type of backup you would like to perform. It gives three options: Backing up the your personal My Documents folder and settings, backing up everyone’s My Documents folder and settings or backing up the entire computer. Here’s the scoop on how these work: The first two options mean that your data will be backed up, but the operating system files will not be backed up. What this means is that if your system ever becomes corrupted and you can’t run Windows, then you’ll have to reinstall a fresh copy of Windows and re-install all of your applications and then RESTORE all your data files using the backup file. The third option backs up the entire operating system and files and is the best option, but there’s a slight catch. You still have to re-install a fresh copy of the operating system again, however, instead of having to install all your apps again and configure your settings, this time you would go to the Backup utility in the freshly installed copy, say Restore and it will effectively “update” the whole system state with all your applications and system settings and your data files.

Go ahead and choose All information on this computer and click Next

The next screen, Backup Type, Destination and Name will vary depending on your what you have connected to your computer. If Windows does not find any backup device connected to your computer, the backup type box will be greyed out with File as the default. For Choose a place to save your backup, go ahead and click Browse and save the file to the local drive on your computer which has the most avialble space. The way the backup utility works is that it creates a single file with a .bak extension that holds all the data, so this file can be very large. You can check whether or not the file will fit on your comptuer by checking how much space is currently being taken up on your computer and making sure you have that amount of space free. Basically, if more than 50% of the space on your hard drive is take, then you can’t save the file to your computer. You’ll need to attach an external drive and browse to that drive and save the file there.

In the Save file dialog box, go ahead and give your backup file a name (preferably with the date so you know how old it is).

Once you choose the location and type the file name, click OK and then click Next. You’ll reach the final screen and once you click Finish, Windows will begin to backup your computer and at the end will ask you to insert a floppy disk in order to save the boot information. This boot disk will allow you to boot into a state where you can point to the location of the backup file and it’ll restore the entire operating system. We’ll go through that in another post.

Now the backup process will start and may take a while. Once it’s done though, it’ll ask you to insert a floppy disk and will create your boot disk. And that’s it! You don’t have to go through manually copying your data back and forth! You’ll then see your file in the location you specified and if you put it on your local computer, you’ll want to go ahead and move it off to an external hard drive.


5 Tips For Disassembling

1. Cut Off The Power

Now pay attention. This is important. The first thing to do when disassembling a PC is to disconnect your computer from all power sources. Rip out that power cord - I've had too many occasions when my PC was still connected to the wall outlet and I accidentally stated disassembly - with disastrous results. So always remember to do this step first.

2. Open the Case Slowly

Next, you want to open the computer case slowly. Some PCs slide off the side - and you may need to remove some screws before the cover can come off. Others open in different ways. You need to check your specific computer case.

Some cases (e.g. those from Antec) are in fact better designed and allow you to open the case easily. I always like to go for such computer cases - you can check them out at this link.

3. Learn What is Inside the Case

Once that computer case comes off, you need to familiarize yourself with the internals of your PC. If you want, you can take photos. Usually, the things to look out for are you video card, hard drives, sound card, CPU, memory modules.

4. Disconnecting Adapter Cards

If you need to remove adapter cards, e.g. a PCI based sound card, you will need to take note of the screw at the top of the bracket. Remove that screw first, then you'll be ready to disconnect the card.

5. Disconnecting Disk Drives

The other point to note is regarding disk drives. Disk drives (hard disks and floppy disks) usually have screws at the side to secure them in the PC's drive bays. Make sure you unscrew those carefully and hang on to the drive while doing it. You certainly don't want you precious hard disk dropping on the motherboard.


You now know some tips for disassembling a PC. Its important to bear the above points in mind when opening up your PC - it will save you a lot of headache and avoiding any potential problems. Good luck and happy computing!
